Sorry Guys

So I'll wish Shabbat Shalom and L'Shana Tova (tho this isn't my official New Year's post) to whom it applies...and everyone else, have a great weekend.
Maybe I need coffee. Hmm...
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It's LA wild fire season, and they're really bad right now. I thought they were pretty far from me but I just went out to put on my sprinklers and the smell of ash was in the air. Oy. Reminds me of the fires from the LA riots several years ago.
This is a letter from a father who lost his son in Iraq. Disgusted by Cindy Sheehan (as many are), he wrote to Larry Elder this beautiful note. Also, if you go to the link, Elder included some rather choice quotes of Ms. Sheehan (that's for you, Gindy). Here are the very moving words from Paul A. Castellano.
OK, so I watched the new network show about the presidency -- being filled by a woman (my friend calls it Breast Wing) -- which premiered last night. There were some things to like, some cliches and some stuff that just left me scratching my head.
Ezra HaLevi writes at Arutz Sheva that according to former Shabak (General Security Services) head, Avi Dichter, the US had a defense embargo on Israel prior to 9/11. Of course, it was enacted at the start of the Oslo War, so we all know whom to thank. Apparently it was because of Israel's policy of targeted killings, and the US didn't want "their" helicopters used in this way (thank you, Europe, for the right amount of pressure, btw).
What am I so excited about? Tomorrow, Sunday Sept. 25, is the annual Chabad telethon! I'm serious -- this is Must-See TV and incredibly entertaining. Is there really anything better than when they look at the tote board and yell, "Voight, get out here" and all the rabbis start dancing, joined by righteous gentile, actor Jon Voight, whose fundraising efforts, to quote, would be impressive even if he were Jewish. If it's not showing on TV in your area, click here to watch on the 'Net. The organization does so much good. Please check it out.
On Sept. 6 and 7 in Washington, D.C., a conference entitled, "Terrorism, Security, and America's Purpose" was held. One of the speakers was a man by the name of Stephen Walt. According to someone I met who attended, he spoke of how the alliance with Israel is a detriment to the United States and that we should pressure Israel to give the Palestinians a state. The man's assertions went unchallenged. So was this a pro-Arab conference? Is he a fringe member of some whacked-out group? Were the people there anti-Semites?
Daniel Pipes discusses his amazing speech and the surprising warming up of relations between Israel and Pakistan. A couple of nights ago, I learned why this might be happening.
Here was my first subtle note to them:
And I don't mean Iraq.
What's there to love about the Palestinians (and by saying that I mean the ones who are terrorists, not the caught-between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place civilians)? Why on earth should anyone care about these people when they appear to contribute nothing to society but mayhem, despair and death? I could live with their contributing nothing if they didn't make things worse. But they do! I won't even go back to the PLO antics, etc. Let's simply take a look at their recent actions post Gaza disengagement.
I was affected by the Los Angeles blackout yesterday. My hands were full of food, having gone out to get lunch for myself and an ailing co-worker pal (his poor back!). I was riding up in the elevator to our 5th floor office space when suddenly the elevator stopped and everything went dark. It was pretty shocking. I heard voices directly on the other side of the door. I sorta yelped for help. No reaction. I tried the "door open" button. Nothing. I contemplated the alarm but thought, "Eh. Not yet." Yelped again. Tried the "door open" button again but this time it worked! Freedom!
I was just over at Rachel Ann’s site and read about the death of little Susan Anne Catherine Torres from heart failure. For those of you who don’t remember, soon after her mom learned she was pregnant, she found out she had cancer and quickly fell into a coma. She was kept alive until the baby was old enough to live outside of the womb. She was born Aug. 2. My heart goes out to her family and all who loved her during her short but inspiring life.
I'm sure many of you join me in concern for the pets along the Gulf Coast. Now comes news of the first major airlift of dogs rescued from the region. They were brought to California, thanks to Texas oil tycoon Boone Pickens and his wife Madeleine. The move was organized by It's just a drop in the bucket but there is some good news.
Hat tip to the Seawitch for this one. Visit Homefront Six here and post a comment before Thursday and the blog owner will donate a dollar towards hurricane relief. You can do it!
I was born and raised inside the beltway, so I’m especially proud of this story. While I don’t know them, the Libby family of Rockville, Maryland, has taken in 11 people who were left homeless by hurricane Katrina. You should read their story. Sort of gives a person hope.
Just wanted to let you all know that Rory is now a member of the Blogway team and will be contributing posts officially rather than as a guest. WooHoo!
Grrr.... Mark snagged me. I won't be doing this to anyone else but if you want to do it, go ahead. Here are my answers.
I hope everyone is able to enjoy Labor Day today.
So I just saw on the Fox News ticker that Abu Mazen wants to return to peace talks once Israel has completed the Gaza withdrawal and that he fully expects to see a Palestinian state by next year. So why am I curious?
This post is actually courtesy of Rory, though I’ve edited it together, so don’t blame her for the wording -- simply the content. Well, not blame... oh you know what I mean.
Hat tip to my pal Sahbra for the following about the Jewish community -- in regards to Katrina.