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And so it begins. A Muslim man breaks into the Seattle Jewish Federation, which only a week before hosted a pro-Israel rally, and shoots six women, killing 1, and among the wounded was a pregnant woman, all because he was 'angry' at Israel. The crime these women committed? Drawing breath while being Jewish. How dare they!
You've probably heard that Hezbollah hit an Israeli ship with a cruise missile right? But did you know that they hit an Egyptian freighter first? Why haven't we been hearing more about this? By the way, do you know the difference between a rocket and a missile? A rocket is a self-propelled munition with no guidance capability, while a missile has guidance capability and is a state-sponsored weapon. And Hezbollah has them. The trail leads straight to Damascus and Tehran.
I received the following note from my friend Pam, who runs Sar-El in Israel, which has civilian volunteers helping out soldiers on IDF bases.
Send a letter to an Israeli family sitting in a shelter.
Written by a soldier in the Nachal Haredi Unit. Hat tip to Naomi Ragen, cleaned up grammatically by me.
While many organizations are helping people, the animals of Northern Israel are also suffering. This organization is trying to help.
If you love Israel and you're an American, you need to write/call your elected representives in Congress, if they aren't any of the following people, and thank them for their support of Israel because you can bet they're hearing from the people who are pissed with how they voted (something like 20-to-1 are calling voicing their displeasure compared to thanking). Actually, you should also thank your senators regardless, since the vote in there was unanimous in favor of supporting Israel. To find out who your reps are, visit here. Now the list of those who did not support:
If you have any questions on how to stick up for Israel when questioned by people, this is a great primer.
I find it very interesting that the State Department has issued an edict that Americans shouldn’t try to leave Lebanon, that they must stay put. Why do I find that interesting? Because as we were told this on Fox News by a priest who said he now knew what it was like to be a hostage (sorry, was there a gun pointed at your head? I think not), he openly pondered why it was that all the other foreigners’ countries were bringing in ships to rescue their citizens… why only the U.S. was leaving its people there? Why indeed? Could the State Department be trying to make things worse to have it reflect badly on Israel or am I getting paranoid?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why Hezbollah (Iran/Syria's proxy terror group) chose now to stir the pot. Suddenly, pundits on the 24-hour News Networks have stopped talking about pressure on Iran or North Korea at the G8 Summit. It's all about the Mideast turmoil. Glad to know everyone is soooooo easily manipulated. And not like we couldn't see this coming... just like we could see a major attack coming. You can't say you're surprised that this is happening, right? Anyone who is surprised has had their head in the sand over the last several years.
I know with the events of today I should have a post up. The thing is, I'm so worn out by my intense anger at the situation, that I have nothing left. I want Syria bombed. I want Iran bombed. I want justice. I know there will be none. It feels very hopeless. The world feels like it's falling off its axis, that black is white, wrong is right, etc.
My friend Sahbra forwarded this email to me with information about anti-Semitism in France from this site. I cannot verify it, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s true and thought you would all find it frightening. I know I do. Not surprised mind you, but scary nonetheless.