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Naomi Ragen rightly points out that after the mosque was destroyed in Iraq, there were tons of articles written in understandable protest. But at the same time, the one functioning synagogue in Tajikistan was destroyed to make room for a presidential palace but barely anyone has heard about that. Shamsuddin Nuriddinov, head of the City of Dushanbe, Religious Affairs Department even made the callous comment that if the Jews want a new one, they can pay for it. Unreal.
March 5-7 is AIPAC's Policy Conference, where people like John Bolton, Dick Cheney, John Edwards and Newt Gingrich will be speaking to us about the latest happenings with Iran, Hamas, etc. I'll be there. I hope you will be too. Click on the ad I have made on the right nav bar to find out more.
I am seeing some coverage about the excursion made by the IDF into the Balata Refugee camp which resulted in more dead than any day since the Hamas election win (like that was so long ago??). But my favorite excerpt, which I added below, does a wonderful job of showing how most of the violent rhetoric out of the Palestinians is just foolhardy posturing that can't be backed up:
Yeah, yeah, I know the answer to that, don’t worry. So apparently a revered Shiite shrine has been bombed and in our usual, obliviously generous way, the US has offered to help rebuild it. What??? On what planet do we think that offer would be welcomed? Have we learned nothing over the last 5 years about how we’re viewed in that part of the world? I can’t see this offer being seen as anything more than completely offensive. Am I wrong?
Though I'm not terribly happy with some of our presidents and would-be's lately. It used to be the unwritten code that ex-presidents don't bad-mouth a sitting president. Of course, we all knew those days were over even before Coretta Scott King's funeral. It used to be considered bad form to go to another country and bad-mouth our country. Clinton called Iraq a "big mistake" while in Dubai, of all places. And now former presidential hopeful-turned-nutjob Al Gore decides to tell Arabs that we're mistreating them -- to an audience in Saudi Arabia -- the place where 15 of the 19 hijackers of 9-11 came from!
GEORGETOWN -- February 18th 2005 [I think they meant 2006--esther]
Arnon Regular’s article in Ha'aretz is very revealing. Apparently, some 200 dunams of greenhouses in Gaza were overrun by dozens of armed Palestinians.
And here I thought the former presidents and others attended a funeral to... like... actually bid farewell to a woman who had died. I didn't realize it was a time to forget her and make political jabs at the sitting president. Now that's class.
Hard to believe there was once a time when losing financial support from the U.S. actually mattered. Those days are obviously over. Threats of sanctions to Iran have them laughing. Hamas gives a metaphorical middle finger to us over pulling funding from them due to their stance on Israel. They have no intention of mellowing and will seek funding elsewhere. Sucks to be irrelevant. Sucks worse to have genocidal maniacs like these regimes being allowed to draw breath.
I spoke to my friend about her sister today. The news knocked the wind out of me. The tumor is very agressive. They're thinking six months with surgery, 1/3 of that without. Please keep her in your prayers. Her sister and her family, including very young children, really need her.
Palestinian sources said electricity was cut off in large parts of northern Gaza after two rockets aimed at Israel landed in Palestinian territory and struck a main electrical pole. (Ynet News)