Thursday, January 13, 2005


Oh, Harry, oh oh Harry
I still can't believe Prince Harry thought wearing an Nazi army shirt and swastika arm band was a good idea. He apologized (though not in person) for doing so but does he really understand what he did and why there's an uproar over it? Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center has requested that Harry join the British delegation in attending the 60th Anniversary of the liberation from Auschwitz. Harry has said he won't. Naomi Ragen opined that perhaps Harry didn't know it was wrong because he watched the BBC. Perhaps. Her take did make me chuckle, albeit in a sad way. It does make me wonder what kind of education he's getting and what kind of man he's turning into. I don't think his mother would be proud of him. Not one bit. But he's the one who has to live with that. You can read more about this here.

Oh Venezuela!
Folks, keep your eye on this country south of our border. Gindy's blog has a Question of the Day about which modern non-Muslim country uses its police to raid a Jewish school with the specific purpose of terrifying and alienating it's students and community at large. Read all about it. And the bigger question -- why isn't the mainstream media writing anything about this?

Oh America........
Today I was watching Washington Journal on C-Span2. Josef Joffe, who is the editor and publisher of Die Zeit in Germany, was a guest. I was appalled by the calls he received. One was saying stuff straight out of the Arian Nation handbook. Another called had to know if he was Jewish. On and on.... Finally the moderator asked Joffe if he'd get a similar reaction in Germany. He said something to the effect of Germans aren't as into Hitler... Again, I was appalled by it all on his behalf. But it's smart for me to get a reminder that anti-Semitism isn't restricted to outside the US. It's not just in Europe. It's not just in the Arab world. It's in my own backyard. Read Josef Joffe's article, A World Without Israel on


At 10:16 PM, Blogger RomanWanderer said...

Wow. I have to get a hold of that Cspan session

At 10:18 PM, Blogger RomanWanderer said...

Awesome, the entire session is online on the CSPAN website

At 10:36 PM, Blogger Esther said...

It is? That's awesome. I'll find it tomorrow and post the link. Thanks RW.

At 11:00 PM, Blogger RomanWanderer said...

Entire Journal 1/13, fast forward to minute 47

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Tom Carter said...

Gindy, thanks for the link. Troubling report.

At 5:28 PM, Blogger Esther said...

Thanks for the link, Gindy. It's hidious. Freakin' anarchy.


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