Thursday, June 08, 2006
About Me
- Name: Esther
- Location: California, United States
I have very strong opinions but that doesn't mean I don't want to learn more about things. And FYI -- breast cancer needs to stop right now!

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Throwing some of them around myself!
..I am serving dates near Lakemba mosque in Sydney.
Why do the locals avoid me??
Yee-haw! One less sh*t-weasel, and a head honcho one at that.
And what's with blogger using a wheelchair to indicate auditory disability in the word verification box... idiots
Ever since Blogger added the little wheelchair, we've had glitch after glitch. Oftentimes, word-verification letters will not appear without refreshing the page. Blogger seems to have handicapped itself.
Sorry for my lack of comments... health issues that inhibit my sitting at the computer. Sigh.
RACHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So good to see you online! Saw this and thought of you:
I hadn't even noticed that little wheelchair flippin weird is that????
Seawitch, awesome!
Felis -- lol! Don't forget to duck.
aow -- amen! and well said in your second comment.
I "thought" that the little wheelchair was for handicapped Demo-Droids, MSM journos with small minds and/or individuals who enlisted after 2003 and refuse to accept their assignment(s) in the GWOT?
My bad!
I'd like a *snickers* please.
*he said snickering*
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