Saturday, July 09, 2005

Great News!

A baby giant panda has been born to the two pandas, Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, on loan to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. While this might not mean much to any of you reading this, as someone who grew up inside the beltway, "panda watch" was the community obsession. We love our pandas! We mourn when they roll over and accidently kill their young. So say a prayer that this little one (picture is not the actual cub, btw, nor did I take this picture) manages to make it at least to toddler-hood.


At 12:23 PM, Blogger Batya said...

and the world goes on....

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is certainly uplifting news considerning all the turmoil going on in the world today.

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They look sooooo cute and cuddly.
I think i want a pair.

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Always On Watch said...

I've been so busy with my blogging today that I missed the local news here in D.C.

A baby panda at the National Zoo! I called my best friend as soon as I saw you story here. Like me, she grew up inside the Beltway and was thrilled.

Let's hope that this new mama doesn't roll over onto the baby.

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Esther said...

See, I knew people like AOW would understand -- people in the Washington area are obsessed by these pandas. After the last pair passed away, we were heartbroken not to have pandas in the nations capitol.

As for all of my lighthearted stories over the last two days, I've been reading so much on other blogs, about terror and human carnage...I just can't bring myself to wade in. It breaks my heart too much. I'm sure I'll be back to depressing terror-oriented stuff soon enough... I just needed a break.

At 5:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Esther. This is the best thing you could have done today for us panda fanatics.

At 7:08 AM, Blogger Always On Watch said...

I was going to put this message on my blog, but decided instead to put it here so that you'll be sure to see it.

I want you to know that I don't buy into the "Palestinian issue" as a cause of Muslim terrorism. I confess that, having been exposed to that idea over and over at university and from the media, I USED to believe that propaganda. No longer! I did my own research and learned the truth about Islam. Those twisted and megalomaniacal sons of allah have been at the Jews long before the establishment of the modern nation of Israel. Timmerman recently wrote "The Jews are the canary in the mines." I think he's right there.

Esther, I want to apologize to you personally for ever buying into the propaganda about Israel.

My July 9 blog article to which you posted did not address Blair's error about the Middle East. I felt better qualified to address the "deprivation issue." But please know that many of us educated Gentiles (Is that still an acceptable word?) are aware of Blair's error. We know that Islam aims to destroy every other ideology. Will Western leaders come to this realization in time? I hope so, but I'm very worried.

BTW, I loved that last paragraph of your comment.

At 9:04 AM, Blogger Esther said...

Rory, we should start a club!! :) Or should we just become a FONZ? ;)

AOW, I would have checked back at that blog entry, but thanks for putting it here too. I said that for others who read your blog and cause anytime I can rant at Tony Blair (cause he's pissed me off plenty regarding Israel), makes me happy. I didn't think that you felt that way. Just anytime I can debunk a myth makes me happy. Which gives me an idea for today's blog post...thank you!!!

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Sergeant America said...

Man, Woman!, that's a cute lil' picture of a cute lil' panda bub!

Me likey pandas!

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...let's hope this one's mom doesn't roll over on it."

Absolutely. It seems that pandas can be their own worst enemy. In addition to the infant deaths, they also have a low birth rate due to the fact that sometimes male pandas (let's see how I can put this delicately) have an unfortunate tendency to be unfamiliar with the port of entry. In fact, keepers have reported instances of male pandas attempting to use the female's ears, and even their paw pads. (I think I'll resist the urge to comment any further at this point).

At 10:26 AM, Blogger birdwoman said...

you say "roll over and kill the cub" as though it's a common occurrance? Like, isn't there some kind of genetic imperative with these beasts not to kill their own babies?


At 1:17 PM, Blogger Esther said...

I'm not sure, bw, but that's what happened with the last panda birth, I think, at the National Zoo. :( We're all still pretty scarred over it.

At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, mother pandas rolling over on their babies isn't an uncommon occurence. The problem is that an animal as large as a panda gives birth to a baby that's just a tiny fraction of its size. As a result, the mother can roll over on it without even realizing. It's nothing like the size differential between, say, cats and dogs and their babies, where if the adult rolled over on a baby, it would be hard not to notice.


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