Monday, March 21, 2005

How Do You Guys Do It?

I had to go into an office today for the first time since I started blogging. Acccckkkkkkkkk!

How do you all do it??! I went to gindy's first, which I do pretty much every day and blogger never let me leave a message. Eventually I gave up and actually did some work. But how do you all blog your own stuff, read others AND hold down a real job? Where do you find the time? I think I need help budgeting my day.


At 11:36 PM, Blogger Sergeant America said...

Speaking only for myself ... Retirement, helps! ;)

At 4:24 AM, Blogger RomanWanderer said...

I hear ya. I started a full time office job yesterday,left the house at 8 and got back at 6:30 and refused to touch the computer at home (I did manage to blog 2 lines though :P).
I guess lots of people surf at work though

At 6:42 AM, Blogger Sergeant America said...

When I first read ... the subject line ... I thought something similar to RR ...

Candy <==> Liquor

"Candy is "dandy;" but liquor is "quicker?"

... and keyboarding "one-handed" is for amateurs! (...obligatory masturbation reference)


At 7:21 AM, Blogger Esther said...

RW, I wondered if that was what was up with your two line post -- lol! Congrats on the gig.

You guys are cracking me up. :)

At 3:55 PM, Blogger Dan Zaremba said...

I had to close my shop.
I mean it's easy to drop a line and copy and paste somebody else's text but if you wish to do some research and write your own stuff and work full time it's a bit hard.
Of course you can hire a talented young writer (like RW), pay him/her wages for doing your blog and keep on working (to support your habit).
RW, I hope you like your new job.

At 2:30 AM, Blogger Hokule'a Kealoha said...

I was asked this when I had to go out of town in Dec. and put posts up for the whole week I was gone...This is the secret.

I download photos 10-20 at a time. and often I write generic posts and save them for a slow news days...

NO TV...havent owned a tv in 17 years. use tv time for blogging and reading blogs

Late nights occasionally.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Esther said...

I think you closed it felis the day i went to check it out. LOL. I was totally bummed. If I had the money, I would love help but alas....that's the reason I'm away from things...

Hokule'a I love that idea! But you have such amazing pictures to choose from. Your neighborhood, city, etc. is your oyster. I love your pix! But no TV? Wow.

Hey bill o. writes, thanks for stopping by. I agree -- the blogway is a fun place to be, feeling like you're "meeting" new people all over the world. Now I just need to win lotto so I can afford to do it all day long like I used to. ;)

At 3:24 PM, Blogger RomanWanderer said...

Now there's an idea Felis.

At 12:50 AM, Blogger Dan Zaremba said...

" I think you closed it felis the day i went to check it"

I still post every couple of days at the Observation Deck:
You're are welcome to pop in with a visit.
It's a friendly, relaxed blog where I don't have to post every day as there are several diffrent contributors.

At 7:50 PM, Blogger Esther said...

Cool felis -- I'm headed over right now!! Thanks!


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