Monday, February 21, 2005

Where Did I Find This?

I just read an article about the settlement situation and Israel itself, with the following statements:

* Whatever anyone thinks of them, nothing gave Israel the right to move into the West Bank and Gaza after the Six-Day War
* Residential settlements cannot be justified as self-defense — they’re an armed land-grab.
* So while Oslo turned out to be a failure, unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon turned out to be a success
* And I’m very sorry — few Jews want to hear about this, but the acts of brutality against Palestinians by Israeli soldiers, not to mention settlers, are part of the fabric of the occupation.

Sounds like it's from some anti-Israel Web site? Well, try again. Believe it or not, this article is actually by Larry Derfner, Tel Aviv Correspondent for The Jewish Journal -- a Los Angeles publication for the Jewish community. Who wants to make a bet that it will be picked up by Arab news services to help make their case for the dismantling of Israel? It saddens me when Jews end up being Israel's worst enemy.

"Whatever anyone thinks of them, nothing gave Israel the right to move into the West Bank and Gaza after the Six-Day War when there were 100 percent Palestinians and 0 percent Israelis there, and to do so permanently, which was Israel’s intention when it built the settlements..... Residential settlements cannot be justified as self-defense — they’re an armed land-grab. That’s plain wrong, and no religious text can justify it."

How can you be accused of a land grab when it's land you won after a defensive war (never mind that we know no other country would ever give land back in a similar situation)? Israel wanted that land to bargain with, which is why they didn't annex it in 1967. But Egypt and Jordan didn't want it back. If you recall, Gaza wasn't in play during the talks with Sadat; they didn't want the PLO to have veto power over any part of the process. Also, Israel had settlements in the Sinai and eventually dismantled them so it doesn't mean they never meant to give land back.

"So while Oslo turned out to be a failure, unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon turned out to be a success..."

Really? I'm sure the news of the huge success will surprise Israeli soldiers who quite often find themselves on the receiving end of Hizbollah's mortar attacks.

"And I’m very sorry — few Jews want to hear about this, but the acts of brutality against Palestinians by Israeli soldiers, not to mention settlers, are part of the fabric of the occupation."

Few Jews might want to hear it but I'm betting he enjoyed saying it. He tells the story of a soldier who "fired at the legs of 5-year-old children" -- forced to -- who were throwing stones at the soldiers. Derfner does so much opining elsewhere but here he can't be bothered. He can't imagine that while some kids use stones, others might use grenades? We know full well that terrorists have no problem using children to exact their Jihad on the enemy. It's ugly. It's nasty. It's war. And it's unfortunately a reality that Derfner doesn't want to address. He prefers to believe the worst of Israeli soldiers and settlers. I wonder how many American Jews in the 1930s thought it was those Jews in Germany who were causing all the trouble.


At 4:54 PM, Blogger RoadKnight said...

First, GREAT job modifying the template and using the span class. I'm so glad it worked out for you.

Second, I don't know what to say about this article that doesn't involve lots of swear words and venom towards this idiot.

If you like, email this moron and send him here or here for a little history lesson.

At 5:24 PM, Blogger Esther said...

Thank you SOOO much BW! It's very cool.

I hear ya on those swear words. I was lettin' loose a few myself as I read the article...but it inspired me. Thanks for the links (and the hat tip!) -- they're GREAT!!

At 5:43 PM, Blogger RoadKnight said...

People whould know what the heck they are talking about before they go spouting off. History itself is behind the Israelis. The Gaza Strip and West Bank belong to Isreal. Jordan belongs to the Palestinians.

That's one of the reasons I'm fed up with Sharon. He's giving away Israeli land to people who have no legal right to it and taking it away from the people that DO.

Peace is all fine and dandy. But why do all the consessions have to come from Israel? Why can't Jordan take responsibility for it's own peopleand let them in?

At 5:48 PM, Blogger Esther said...

If you want to see the concessions side by side, check out patrick's post -- it's very telling:

At 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Derfner article is right, but for all the wrong reasons. For a different perspective, go to:

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Esther said...

Savage, I had a feeling you'd think that, lol. Thanks for the link!

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Esther said...

Thanks Gindy!

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Esther said...

Gindy, The Jewish Journal is where I got this article. Between this and the one they did against supporting the Bus #19 visit, they are fastly getting on my s&$# list. They're skewing way too left. What is so wrong with objectivity? It's apparently a lost art. I'll keep reading it (to monitor it) but I will do so by steeling myself first. And I will be writing lots of letters to the editors afterwards.

I do find Jewishworldreview interesting from time to time.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger Timothy Birdnow said...

Hi Esther!

Gindy stole my thunder! I think we can compare this situation to crime; if Egypt or Jordan want to act like street thugs and mug an innocent Israel they shouldn`t complain when they lose something. Call it just compensation.

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Esther said...

Timothy, great point! Now, if every country invaded another country, thinking that they might get land but if they lost it -- who cares, they'll get it back afterwards, the world would be complete chaos. That is NOT how the world works. Only Israel is expected to give back land and that's beyond wrong.

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Esther said...

Thanks patrick.

Another bad one to add is Norman Finkelstein, who is the neo-Nazis' favorite Jew since he's a Holocaust denier.

At 7:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gindy, just because Israel rightfully responded to an attack in 1967 does not make it wise to hold onto Gaza in 2005, especially under the current circumstances. Also, I view Gaza as an entirely different situation from the West Bank. Many of the settlements in the West Bank must be held, if only for security reasons. Gaza is a different situation altogether. Just wanted to be clear on where I stand.


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