Sunday, January 02, 2005

With a Little Help From My Friends...

Occasionally I get suggestions from pals, so I thought I'd share a couple.

From my buddy, The Weez: "This editorial piece talks about the foolishness of the academic boycott of Israel, specifically mentioning the strides in Israeli medical breakthroughs.  Not sure if you want to put it on your blog, but it might be worth a look." I agree -- so here it is.

A suggestion from my pal Ed: "This is the lady whose superb reporting has driven the media coverage, or what there is of it, of the Oil-for-Food scandal. She deserves a Pulitzer Prize -- but probably won't even be considered."
THE REAL WORLD Blue: The Next Orange? Forget reform. The U.N. needs regime change. BY CLAUDIA ROSETT.

As for my own finds, gotta love that golden oldie, "Truth--PA-style," right? Thankfully, sites like IMRA are around to set the record straight. In another charming development, PA TV is spouting that the killing of Jews is mandatory. Check this out. On the other side of the coin (or is it?), an Egyptian columnist is saying being friendly to Israel helps PA. Is this good news or a wolf in sheep's clothing?


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