Thursday, March 10, 2005

A Campus Surprise.... Yet Not

San Francisco State University had a job fair today. You know what a job fair is right? A bunch of companies set up booths, trying to help today's loony students find a job in their companies so they may one day soon be useful to society. One of the employers who had a booth there was the United States Air Force. After the great job they've done lately helping to keep us safe, it would have been nice if they could have gotten a warm welcome -- never mind just simple respect. Yet apparently this was too much to ask. But there was a surprise in the works beyond what you might be expecting me to write...

Yes, an anti-military protest started to form, telling the air force representatives to go home, claiming the military is sexist, racist and anti-gay. Disrespectful, sure, but not a complete shock. Eventually, the protest found another target -- Fox News -- who reported their ire on various shows today. Again, not a surprise.

But their footage told more of the story. While Fox pointed out the anti-military and anti-Fox News sentiment, they left out something.

Sprinkled amongst the crowd of anti-military protesters swayed flags -- the Palestinian flag to be exact. Not only that, there was an anti-Israel sign. I'm not quite sure why this wasn't pointed out by Fox, but since they're usually supportive, I won't hold it against them. But I will hold it against those protesters. Can someone explain to me what a job fair in San Francisco has to do with Israel and the Palestinians? Sometimes I hate today's campuses.

These kids obviously take their freedom to be able to protest like this for granted -- ironic that they don't realize that it is an option available to them because of our military. If there's any justice -- and I sure hope there is -- they'll graduate and not be able to find a job.


At 8:15 AM, Blogger Sergeant America said...

Used ta' be ... protesting was a "good" way to score "weed" (... and other pleasures); or so I'm told ...

This type of HATE is "playing to the media" and qualifies for "15 nanoseconds of shame." I'd like to think that someone gave a "college airhead" a flag and told him/her to stand in front of a camera as it pans the crowd ... You know, like "they" do in the Middle East for al-Jaz! :(

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Esther said...

patrick, morons indeed -- and thanks for the link!

SA, your weed comment had me cracking up. I hope your take on playing to the media is all it was...but I suspect the kids understand propaganda and agree with the cause.

LOL Gindy. You're so right.


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